Dance Academy Wiki
“Growing Pains”
Season 1, Episode 8

Sarah Lambert

Episode Guide

Crush Test Dummies



Growing Pains is the eighth episode of season one of the Australian television series, Dance Academy. It aired on 9 June, 2010 and will air on TeenNick on 28, March, 2012. The episode was written by Sarah Lambert.

Episode Overview

Abigail is devastated that her body is beginning to change in size and attempts to cover it up with her cross over. During class Miss Raine asks her to take it off, inorder for her to correct Abigail. Abigail then says that she fears she is coming down with an illness and goes to the Academy Doctor. The Doctor asks Abigail to take off her crossover to check her lungs and Abigail unwillingly takes off her crossover and tells the doctor that she always been the same size. The Doctor tells Abigail that she is in perfect height and weight proportion for her age. Abigail then tells Miss Raine that the Doctor has asked her to keep her crossover on as a medical precaution. Abigail's note issued by the Doctor is different so Miss Raine tells her she cannot dance out of uniform. Abigail continues to sit out during class. One morning Kat accidentally walks into Abigail's room looking for Tara, where Abigail is crying. She tells Abigail not to let her changing body be the one obstacle that stops her. In the meantime, Sammy is forced to buy a dance belt and Christian is ordered to accompany him as shopping partner. Meanwhile, in an attempt to impress Ethan, Tara pretends to date Damien Lang, an older dancer in the company. A rumour begins to spread which eventually Miss Raine and the principal discover. Tara is then called to the principal's office during class where she tells that the rumour took on a life of it's own. Tara then apologises to Damien who tells her not to grow up so quickly.

